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Getting a Probate Loan

Getting a Probate Loan First a little information and explanations might be helpful. A probate loan is a loan made and secured by the assets of an estate in some stage of probate. Probate is a court procedure where the court determines or complies with the last wishes from a person who died, known as […]


New 2013 Taxes on Real Estate

New 2013 Taxes on Real Estate Taxes on Real Estate Are Going Up The Affordable Care Act was passed on March 23, 2010 and has become known as ObamaCare. Buried deep in the Act are various tax increases designed to pay for additional governmental expenses that will supplement health care for millions of Americans. The […]

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The Los Angeles Real Estate Market in 2013: Is it Time to Buy or Sell?

The Los Angeles Real Estate Market in 2013: Is it Time to Buy or Sell?   How many times have you heard a Los Angeles Realtor tell you that it’s “time to sell”? Most Realtor’s spout that term and the other famous term “time to buy” quite frequently – especially in today’s market. The irony with these statements is […]