California Real Estate Prices – With the current improvement in the California real estate market it just might be a good time to look into using the equity in your home to purchase a second property. The equity in your home can be used to get the down payment money to purchase that new property.

Many people have suffered from the mortgage meltdown that began in 2007 and from the overall real estate recession by losing their homes. So many people have been put in the position of going from being property owners to being renters. This recent event has caused an imbalance in the supply and demand ratio for available rental properties currently on the market. This has caused monthly rental amounts to increase and has provided the opportunity for real estate investors to take advantage of higher monthly rents. With current mortgage interest rates (now at historical lows) triggering lower monthly mortgage payments, the definite possibility exists for positive monthly rental net income. California Real Estate Prices.

Many people get stressed at just the sound of a Lender saying the words……..“We need to Check Your Credit”.

A lot of people also say “Credit Doesn’t Matter” ………… until it does…….. and some people find out the hard way when they need a loan……………..and end up getting Turned Down.

In today’s world, when consumers look to purchase a new car, or a high-priced consumer item, or real estate, unless they intend to pay “Cash”, then obtaining financing is necessary.

When financing is necessary, in just about every circumstance, checking the person’s credit will be required.

There’s an old saying…………. “The Better the Credit, the Lower the Interest Rate”.

It’s in every person’s best interest to have good credit.

A person’s Credit History is contained in the following “3” National Credit Bureaus:

  • Equifax
  • Trans Union
  • Experian

The “Credit Data” and “Credit History” contained in the above “3” National Credit Bureaus comes from information provided by “Creditors” that earlier extended “Credit” to the person, prior Credit Applications submitted by the person to potential Creditors, or from current Creditors that the person is currently indebted to and where they’re currently making “Contractual Payments”.

In addition, even when the person paid off a Financial Obligation years earlier, the Payment History will still be contained in the Credit Bureaus and further will appear on the person’s Credit Report when a potential Creditors pull it.

Additionally, there’s a term that most people are familiar with, it called a “FICO Credit Score”.

FICO is an acronym for Fair Isaac Company, this was the company that initially created the computer Algorithm that performs “Calculations & Risk Analyses” that considers a person’s credit payment history, the length of their Credit History, the Amount of Debt the person owes relative to the Credit Limits for each Creditor, in addition to amount owed relative to the Total Credit Limit of all Creditors.

The Exact manner that a person’s FICO Credit Score is calculated in a Trade Secret of the Fair Isaac Company, as are the Other Credit Score calculations for the “2” Other National Credit Bureaus.

The names of each respective Credit Scores for each Credit Bureau are as follows:

  • Experian:…………..Fair Isaac Rick Model V2
  • Equifax:…………….Equifax Beacon 5.0
  • TransUnion:………TransUnion FICO Rick Score 04

The “3” National Credit Bureaus also contain information from prior Credit Applications regarding Employers and Resident Addresses that a person provided when applying for Credit.

CreditWhen a potential Creditor Pulls a person’s Credit Report, there are several options available.  Some Creditors only pull “1” of the “3” National Credit Bureaus, so in such a case the potential Creditor will only see what’s contained in the persons credit file for that National Credit Bureau.

While the information for many millions of people is very similar, each of the “3” National Credit Bureaus contains some differences.

Real Estate Lender almost always pull a “Tri-Merged Credit Report”, which contains information from all “3” National Credit Bureaus.

Every person should be aware of the Data and Credit Histories contained in all “3” National Credit Bureaus.

There are MANY FREE websites online where people can check their credit and FICO Credit Scores.

In today’s world, it’s important that people be very careful when going online to obtain a copy of their Credit Report……. everyone is encouraged to only deal with reparable and Trustworthy national companies.

Everyone is entitled to a FREE copy of their Credit Report from each of the “3” National Credit Bureaus once a year.

The First Step that everyone should to do is to obtain a copy of their Credit Report.

After a person obtains a copy of their Credit Report from each of the “3” National Credit Bureaus, it’s imperative that a close review of all reported information contained in the Credit Report is confirmed to be true and correct.

Special attention MUST be made to verify that the Payment History for both Active and Closed Accounts are correct, in addition to verifying that there’re no credit accounts reported that don’t belong to the person.

Fraud these days are on the rise, and we all need to protect ourselves at all costs.

All “3” Credit Bureaus have the Option to “Lock a Persons Credit File”, so should an unscrupulous person try to open credit in another person’s name, the Creditor who the Unscrupulous Person is trying to defraud will not be able to obtain ANY credit Information on the Unsuspecting Person and will most likely decline the credit application.

If there are some “Negative Items” that are reported on a person’s Credit Report and are not correct, then the person must immediately contact either the Creditor that is reporting the Incorrect Information or each of the “3” National Credit Bureaus that are reporting the information.

There are many factors that make up a person’s Credit Score, such as, Payment History, Number of Open Accounts, Length of Credit, Credit Limits, and other factors that the Credit Bureaus consider when calculating a person’s Credit Score.

There is some information the Credit Bureaus have released that have Negative Effects when calculating a person’s Credit Score,

The things NOT to do are:

Not paying Creditors on time, which will result in late payments being reported

HIGH use of Credit with a short history of Credit

Carrying large balances on credit cards

Having Open Collection Accounts

Collection Accounts can be very damaging and can take years to drop off (most taking up to “7” years from the date reported to the Credit Bureaus).  Collection Accounts should not be ignored, and rather than wait for them to finally drop off a person’s credit Report proactive actions can be taken.

Oftentimes contacting Collection Companies to make an “Agreement” that upon the payment of the outstanding monies owed, the collection account will be removed from the person’s Credit Report. Credit

The amount of your available credit you use is referred to as “Credit Utilization”.  Keeping one’s “Credit Utilization below 30% of available credit limits will demonstrate that the person is managing their credit responsibly and not overspending.

With all of the above actions being done, a person’s Credit Score should rise faster than just not doing anything.  This will make a person look better when their Credit Report is pulled and having good credit will open many more doors……other than having the doors closed in the person’s face.

Having good credit will lead to better interest rates for car loans, personal loans and of course Real Estate Loans.

We specialize in making Residential, Commercial, Fix & Flip and Probate Hard Money/ Private Equity and Sub-Prime financing to Borrowers who have credit issues, difficulty proving their income or have been turned down by one of the Big Banks.

We would be happy to discuss the Specifics with those that have been turned down by one of the Big Banks to determine if a Sub-Prime Loan would be a good real estate financing option.

We’re a make sense lender, and we put our Borrower’s needs first and we always go the extra mile to get our clients the money they need.

We focus on solutions not problems.

We’re always happy to review any Borrower’s real estate financing situation to determine how a Sub-Prime Loan provided by our company could prove beneficial to our clients.

(888) 797-7970





It just can’t be emphasized enough how important it is to obtain a Policy of Title Insurance for every type of real estate transaction.

When a Buyer enters into a Contract to purchase Real Estate from a Seller, the last thing any new Property Owner wants to have happen is for someone to later show up after the close of escrow and further say……………that’s Not your property…………..….it’s mine!!!!!

Title Insurance protects Buyers/New Owners from the possibility that a Seller earlier sold the property to someone else, before he later sold it to the unsuspecting New Buyer.

When a Buyer obtains a Policy of Title Insurance when they purchase a property, if anyone ever does shows up later and claims ownership to the property, the New Owner simply turns the matter over to the Title Insurance Company.

Further is a Buyer ever purchases real estate directly from a Seller, without obtaining a Policy of Title Insurance, where the Seller simply Deeds the property over to the Buyer/New Owner, any recorded Deeds of Trust, Tax Liens or Judgments passes with the property over to the Buyer/New Owner.

A Buyer/ New Owner might think they are buying real estate with only an existing 1st Trust Deed Loan, but in realty many undisclosed liens might come with property.

Title Insurance protects against any such matters ever happening to an unsuspecting Buyer/New Owner.

In California it’s customary that the Seller pays for the Policy of Insurance, insuring the Buyer/New Owner that everything that was “Agreed To” and nothing more passes over to the New Owner.

When a Buyer/New Owner is purchasing a property, the Seller pays for a CLTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title of Insurance, and if the Buyer/New Owner is obtaining Financing from a Lender/Investor then the Buyer/New Owner will need to pay for a Concurrent ALTA Lender’s Policy of Title Insurance.

Whenever a Buyer/New Owner needs to obtain a Concurrent ALTA Lender’s Policy of Title Insurance the costs are much lower due to the Seller concurrently paying for the CLTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance.

If later the now property owner wants to refinance, then they would pay a “Refinancing Rate” when obtaining an ALTA Lender’s Policy of Title Insurance insuring the new Lender/Investor.

When a Lender/Investor agrees to fund a loan to an owner of real estate, the Lender/Investor also needs Insurance to insure that if the Lender/Investor funds a 1st Trust Deed Loan that it’s insured as a 1st Trust Deed Loan, and doesn’t end up being a 2nd or 3rd Trust Deed Loan.Title Insuracne

Any prior Policy of Title Insurance the now Property Owner received when they first purchased the property was only effective up to the date the Buyer/New Owner took title to the property and does NOT insure “Anything” after the date of purchase.

Subsequent to the date of purchase the now Property Owner could have obtained additional Loans, or became subject to Tax Liens or Judgments, which would have priority to any new loan the Borrower is looking to obtain.

If there’s ever a dispute regarding a claim against the Homeowner or a claim by a Lender/Investor to a property, the Title Company who provided Title Insurance will be responsible to defend any possible claims in court or be required to payoff in full any Lien that was “Missed” by the Title Insurance Company when they did their investigation prior to issuing a policy of Title Insurance.

In the real estate world there’s an age old adage relating to recorded documents…………….”First in Time, First in Line”

A Policy of Title Insurance will protect the Interests of both Buyers and Lenders.

Whenever our company arranges real estate financing, we “Always” make sure that both our Clients/Borrowers and our company’s Investors are properly insured.



Opportunity is Knocking

Opportunity is Knocking – With the current improvement in the California real estate market it just might be a good time to look into using the equity in your home to purchase a second property. The equity in your home can be used to get the down payment money to purchase that new property.

Many people have suffered from the mortgage meltdown that began in 2007 and from the overall real estate recession by losing their homes. So many people have been put in the position of going from being property owners to being renters. This recent event has caused an imbalance in the supply and demand ratio for available rental properties currently on the market. This has caused monthly rental amounts to increase and has provided the opportunity for real estate investors to take advantage of higher monthly rents. With current mortgage interest rates (now at historical lows) triggering lower monthly mortgage payments, the definite possibility exists for positive monthly rental net income.

Most institutional lender are not currently providing financing for cash out which many potential homeowners need in order to purchase an investment property. Private real estate financing does not live by the same constraints that the big banks or large institutional lenders are required to operate under when making lending decisions.

While the interest rates for private real estate financing are higher than traditional financing sources the opportunity that the current real estate market is offering far outweigh any additional interest rate expense. Opportunity is Knocking.

With one call and a few minutes over the telephone our company can calculate the costs associated with purchasing a second property and determine the ongoing monthly expenses from owning and managing a rental property. We can show you the amount of monthly rental income you can earn each and every month which would be in addition to any increase in property values leading to an appreciation in your net worth.

The old adage that “a rising tide lifts all boats” apply so perfectly to the real estate market. Owning one property when the real estate market goes up will get additional equity resulting in increased net worth. But when two properties are owned the owner gets a multiplier effect of having two properties increase in value leading to increased equity in both properties and an exponential increase in net worth for the benefit of the property owner.

It is so true two is better than one!!!! Opportunity is Knocking

Good news to benefit California – Big Banks Settlement


Big Banks Settlement – Good news continues to flow in that benefit the California real estate market, Interest rates are at the lowest level in recorded history. The largest institutional banks settled for a staggering 25 Billion dollars with the Federal government for inappropriate foreclosure activity and now the California Homeowners Bill of Rights is completely implemented.  All have led to a resurgence in the California real estate market that will benefit homeowners as prices should continue to increase due to the positive economic factors.

But probably the best news is that foreclosure activity is down 65% from January 2012.  Couple this with the banks being much more active in “working things out” with delinquent homeowners and with the Homeowners Bill of Right instructing California lenders to stop the process of dual tracking will only lead to more future positive news for homeowners and real estate professionals throughout California.

The restrictions on “Dual Tracking” is the process of one department at the bank foreclosing on the property while the other department attempts to work things out with the homeowner.  This was tantamount to helping someone while at the same time stabbing them in the back.  It just wasn’t the right thing to do to people who were experiencing hardship due to many factors, this being possibly the largest factor being the downturn in both the national and California economy. It is now considered illegal for California banks and their foreclosure companies to employ such a process on homeowners.  The great news is that so many struggling homeowners are going to be able to keep their homes and this will prevent or minimize the vacant homes in neighborhoods all over California.

It is so nice to be able to report good news after so many years of month after month of reporting so much bad news. Big Banks Settlement!

California Real Estate Prices Rising 20.9% Year-Over-Year


California Real Estate Prices – Good news has finally come to the California real estate market.  With many of the foreclosures that occurred due to the irresponsible lending policies of state and federal chartered banks now behind us prices are now finally starting to rise.

As of March 1, 2013 California real estate prices have increased 20.9 over prices from a year ago.  In addition, sales activity is at a six year high and shows no indication of slowing down due to positive current economic factors.  First time buyers and investor confidence are significant factors in leading to the improvement in values.  It’s important to keep in mind that even after the current increase in values that the current medium sales price is still down 37% over the all-time high set in early 2007.

Most every market gauge indicates prices are up significantly over the past twelve months, even after adjusting for the type of properties sold, size, location and sales prices.

The current low inventory of available house or sale has also contributed to the increase in values.

I will have more positive news about real estate market in the days ahead.